Sales Doctors assess and fill the gaps that you find in your business

What We Do

Business customers today are informed, empowered, demanding and busier than ever. They can research entire markets and conduct their own competitive analysis at the touch of a button. They have no tolerance for exhaustive solution sales processes that focus on uncovering pain points that they already know about. They have no appetite for investing their valuable time with sales professionals that believe their role is to deliver a features and benefits product pitch.

To earn a prospects attention, you must immediately deliver valuable insights that challenge their perception of the status quo and help them see a way to save money or create an ROI.

Today’s sales professionals must be world-class educators. They must understand the importance of sharing valuable content that drives action, and they must proactively reach out to targeted prospects using multiple channels such as phone, email, video and social.

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Build Strategies

Demand generation strategies that build a stream of inbound leads remain very important, but to achieve predictable and sustained growth, every B2B/B2C/B2E organization must have a world-class, highly targeted outbound sales development strategy.

Sales Doctors specializes in designing and implementing these strategies in the form of clear, measurable and scalable playbooks.

Our Expertly Coached Team

Sales Doctors has a team of highly talented and expertly coached sales professionals that have successfully completed our sales training courses and demonstrated an ability to deliver exceptional results.

We will only engage if our client delivers exceptional service and value to their customers, with a product or service that is suited to a high touch sales approach. Most our clients deliver software as a service (SaaS) or service driven companies, we design and execute multi-channel targeted outbound strategies that are commensurate with their ideal customer profile, target accounts and industry sectors.

Our Technology is Your Technology

One of the major keys in delivering a world class client experience is creating continuity in the prospect to sales handoff. Our team is trained in multiple technologies, this allows for a seamless integration into your existing systems or for us to develop a strategic approach to delivering new customers or qualified appointments to our clients.

See systems we're trained in